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The Map

You pause for a moment to take in the dazzling array of colors as the sun begins to set. It’s been an exhilarating day of hiking but you know you need to head back before it gets dark. To make up for lost time you decide to take a short cut. It seemed like a good idea but the longer you walk the less familiar your surroundings look. “Should I have turned left at the dried riverbed?” you ask yourself as the burnt orange and yellows give way to an ever darkening sky. You’re lost and alone. The decision to hike without the map a park ranger offered has become the worst mistake of your life. There’s no map, no guidance, no hope… just darkness.   You’re probably thinking to yourself that you would never be so crazy as to go hiking without that park map. Yet that’s exactly what so many of us are doing right now. We’re going through the wilderness of life without God, the park ranger, and the map he’s offering you, the Bible. I believe one of the reasons we don’t     regularly study God’s wor

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