Mighty Sound

Every Sunday is special but Easter Sunday holds extra significance to millions of church goers. Churches around the country will be overflowing with worshipers as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. We should be remembering Jesus’ death and resurrection every Sunday by taking communion (Acts 20:7) but that’s a topic for another day. His return from the grave can’t be overstated as it’s the very foundation of our faith. However, it’s just the beginning of God’s promise. 

There’s a second act a second piece to the promise. For those who are faithful followers of Christ the second act is one we all long for– our savior’s glorious return. Make no mistake about it; as assuredly as Uncle Sam wants your taxes tomorrow,  Jesus will be back. On that day we’ll be doing the same things we’ve  always done. Some will be at work or running errands or doing household chores. Some will be playing or partying, loving or hating… you know just living our lives. 

Then suddenly, you’ll hear it. No one knows the day or the hour but we’ll all hear it. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your sixth hour of sleep or six feet under. You’ll hear it. You’ll hear the blast of a mighty trumpet. You’ll hear the awesome commanding voice of an archangel as the sky floods with light. Many will hide and tremble in fear but all will see. You’ll see thousands of God’s magnificent angels as they descend to the corners of the earth. Coming in the clouds with all power and glory will be the Holy One, the only one, Jesus of Nazareth! 

It’ll be a terrible day for the unbelievers, the scoffers, the lovers of money, and haters of righteousness. For ever knee will bend and every tongue will confess to the Lord (Rom 14:11).  But oh what a joyous day it’ll be for the child of God. Our frail mortal bodies will be replaced with immortal ones as we rise to the clouds to be with the Lord forever! So whatever you’re going through, stand strong and be faithful in the knowledge that one day the trumpet will sound.

Think about it. 


Some Bible verses regarding Jesus’ return:

1 Thes 4:16-17

1 Cor 15:52-53

Mat 24:30


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