Whose Body Is It?

Bright florescent lights stream in and out of view as the young lady stares at the ceiling. She’s a little nervous but the reassuring squeeze of her hand from the nurse comforts her. “3,2,1” are the last sounds she hears. A few hours later she awakens to the sound of a heart monitor. She hears the steady beat of her heart and realizes all of the worrying and agonizing has finally come to an end. Sadly, there were two heart beats when she started her journey and now there’s only one. This tragic scene plays out thousands of times in abortion clinics everyday. Do the people who believe in a woman’s “right to choose” ever stop to think about the heartbeat that was lost?

Apparently not as the overturning of Roe vs. Wade has led to thousands of people marching in protest around the country. What each protester, each one of us must come to realize is that a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy is based on a false assumption. It’s the same false assumption that has caused so many people to sin against God. People really believe their body belongs to them when nothing could be farther from the truth. In reality your body, my body, all of our bodies belong to Christ (1Cor 6:19-20). Why? Because Jesus paid for you by giving up his life so that you can live. 

Jesus’s sacrifice means that we give up our frail weak body now in exchange for an immortal eternal body later. Now that’s an offer only an idiot would refuse. I hate to put it in those terms but someone would have to be incredibly shortsighted to give up countless eons of love and joy for this short lifetime. Speaking of life, a life is ended during an abortion. The decision comes without a deeper understanding of all pregnancy encompasses . A pregnant woman shares her body with her baby. Her rights and the baby’s rights are intertwined. The woman has a right to live and so does the baby. 

Make no mistake about it; life begins at conception. “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them” (Psalm139:16). Of course there can be tough circumstances surrounding a pregnancy: hard financial times, bad timing, or even rape and incest. It may be extremely difficult but God can get us through anything including an unwanted pregnancy. I know I’m a man discussing what many consider  a woman’s choice but the truth is the truth no matter who tells it.

Think about it.


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