Good People

The screams of a horrified little girl pierce through the thick black smoke. She’s trapped in her fourth floor bedroom as the fire continues it’s ominous spread. Her lungs struggle to find oxygen as she begins to pass out. Then suddenly, the window she tried so desperately to open shatters and two large hands pull her to safety. By all accounts our hero is a wonderful neighbor who in his spare time volunteers at a homeless shelter. Now if he isn’t considered a good person then who is? If you ask most people, the answer to that question is “I am.” 

We all believe ourselves to be good. Sure we make mistakes but overall we’re good people. We may have cursed at the driver who cut in front of us or mistreated a coworker but God knows our heart. God knows we do more good things than bad. If you think you’re a good person I have some bad news for you… you’re not. I’m not. None of us are. We do good things but we’re not good. Once you internalize the fact that you’re not a good person, you’ll realize how much you need God in every aspect of  your life everyday of your life. 


All of the self righteousness, the arrogance would cease…Yes, I said arrogance. I’m not talking about feeling superior because of how you look or the things you have. I’m referring to what I call “religious arrogance.”  It’s the belief that our sins aren’t on the same level as other people. We see the guy on the news for armed robbery or murder and say to ourselves I’m glad I’m not like him– but we are. It’s hard to accept. I find it difficult at times but we’re just as bad as any murderer, thief, prostitute or drug dealer. 

If you doubt what I’m saying, it’s because you’re not looking at sin the way God does. God is perfect and just. Therefore, he can’t be in the presence of sin nor let any sin go unpunished. God is absolute perfection and what we consider to be a small sin like a “white lie” God finds abhorrent. Make no mistake, God is so serious about sin that the punishment for it is death (Rom 6:23). From the moment we told our first lie we deserved to die. With every sin we’ve every committed we’ve earned the death penalty. No one is good except God (Luke 18:19). Through his graciousness God created a plan for us to be in his presence. His perfect son had to die in our place. Jesus took the death penalty for you– he gave up his life for you (Gal 1:4). We must humble ourselves and realize that the imperfect was made perfect by the only one who is good and perfect. 


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