Fed Up

I’m a happy go lucky glass half full kind of person. My wife tells me I can see the positive in any situation except for when my Tigers are losing. But like everyone else, there are times when I get fed up and need to vent.  If you would allow, I’d like to get a few things off my chest. First, let me state for the record that what I’m about to say is only about the problem and not the people. No one should be discriminated against or mistreated.  Now with that said let me begin. 


My first issue is with this whole gender identity thing. Despite how anyone wants to label themselves there are only two genders, male and female. You can wear whatever and change whatever body part you want but you can’t change your DNA. I’m tired of society trying to force me to reject God and science so people who are truly lost can live a lie. 

The same goes for homosexuality. You may have a desire to sleep with the same sex but that doesn’t make it right. And let’s not forget the sickening way society tries to justify gay marriage. God warned that people will call evil good and good evil (Isa 5:20) and that’s exactly what we’re seeing today. Society wants us to believe that we should love who we want so follow your heart. God says our love for Him comes first. We should follow Him and not our heart (Matt 15:19). 

I’m almost done but I’d be remiss if I didn’t address the topic of cursing. I’m fed up hearing people curse all day. It’s everywhere. I’ve even heard it in a recent car commercial. Really? Hollywood has got kids cursing in movies. Why do people find it cute to see children cursing? Do they not realize that God gives a dire warning to anyone who causes a child to sin (Matt 18:6). Lastly, I find it quite peculiar that society needs to invoke Jesus’ name to curse but you never hear anyone use Muhammad or Allah when cursing. Seems people only want to disrespect Christianity. 

My last rant is in regards to divorce. God gives us only one reason to divorce. You can’t divorce your spouse because you’ve grown apart or fallen out of love. You can separate but not divorce. The only reason allowed by God for divorce is adultery (Matt 5:32) yet people change spouses like a pair of shoes. Divorce is a tragic ending to a covenant between two people and God. It destroys lives and families but the ultimate tragedy is when people divorce and remarry (except for adultery). In doing so the remarried couple is living in sin (Luke16:18). It’s on the same level as people shacking up or a homosexual couple. All three scenarios are nothing short of an open rebellion against God. You may not like or agree with any of my rants but I haven’t said anything that isn’t plainly stated in the Bible. Your beef isn’t with me. It’s with God. 

Think about it. 


  1. I agree with every thing you vented about keep the faith my nephew I love you


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