The Map

You pause for a moment to take in the dazzling array of colors as the sun begins to set. It’s been an exhilarating day of hiking but you know you need to head back before it gets dark. To make up for lost time you decide to take a short cut. It seemed like a good idea but the longer you walk the less familiar your surroundings look. “Should I have turned left at the dried riverbed?” you ask yourself as the burnt orange and yellows give way to an ever darkening sky. You’re lost and alone. The decision to hike without the map a park ranger offered has become the worst mistake of your life. There’s no map, no guidance, no hope… just darkness. 

You’re probably thinking to yourself that you would never be so crazy as to go hiking without that park map. Yet that’s exactly what so many of us are doing right now. We’re going through the wilderness of life without God, the park ranger, and the map he’s offering you, the Bible. I believe one of the reasons we don’t  regularly study God’s word  is that we want to live on our own terms.  No one likes to be told what to do and we certainly don’t like being called out on our sins. Unfortunately, that way of thinking is what often gets us in trouble. 

People desire to cheat on their spouse so they don’t want the Bible awakening their conscience. No wonder adultery is the leading cause of divorce, destroying families and causing so much pain. People want a better lifestyle so they don’t want to think about God’s warning of gaining the world and losing their soul as they sell drugs,rob or steal. No wonder so many people are incarcerated or can’t get a good job because of a criminal record. Let’s not forget about how many reputations are ruined over gossip or how many friendships are shattered over jealousy. 

We must continually study the Bible “For the word of God is alive and active… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” ‭‭(Heb ‭4:12‬  NIV). With constant Bible study you’ll not  only know what God expects but you’ll actually care about what he expects which is the first step in giving up our sinful ways. You’ll also realize it was not you but God who rescued you from times of trouble. We all have a testimony that can help others to “see the light” but we’re too proud or afraid to let down our guard and share what God has brought us through. 

Now flashback to our opening story. You’re finally rescued and the ordeal has taught you the importance of accepting the rangers help. It’s years later and you’re on your way back from a successful hike when you see someone else starting out on the trail without a map. Are you willing to share your story so they too can see how foolish it is to disregard the park ranger and his map?

Think about it.


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