How Matters (Part 1)

Have you heard of the old saying “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”? It’s an odd sounding phrase that I’m sure PETA is working hard to eliminate but for now it’s still safe to say. The phrase means there’s more than one way to do something. Like there’s more than one way to lose weight or solve a problem which for me, losing weight is the problem... but anyway, you get my point. Having multiple ways to “skin a cat” is a good thing except when it comes to our worship. 

Before I go any further, I want to see if we all can agree on a few basic points. First, the Bible is God’s word. Second, God being God has the right to tell us what to do. Are your with me so far? Good. Now, if God instructs us on how to worship Him, then we must do what He commands. So did God tell us how to worship? Of course He did. Where do we find those instructions? In the Bible. It’s pretty straightforward stuff but if you go to ten different churches, you’d see ten different ways we worship. 

The Lord has always been specific on how He wants to be worshiped and if it’s not as God commands, He rejects it. Look no further than in the first book of the Bible and you’ll find that God rejected Caine’s worship (Gen 4:4,5). Moses was given specific instructions on how to build the temple (Exd 36:8-39), what tribe would lead religious services (Num 3:5-10), and how to worship (book of Leviticus). Did you know that when a priest worshipped incorrectly, he died? (Lev 10:1-2). 

Thankfully, by sacrificing himself, Jesus brought in a new and better covenant for us. Gone are the old requirements like animal sacrifices; however, God instructing us on how to worship still remains. We’re told to worship in “spirit and truth” and how to do exactly that is in the New Testament. There’s one last thing I’d like you to consider before I delve into what the Bible teaches regarding worship. What’s most important to you: following what God wants or what you want? For “ vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matt 15:9).

Think about it. 


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