Days Like This

You’re sitting at your desk finishing up your morning cup of joe when your boss calls and and asks you to come to her office. You walk in expecting a promotion but you walk out with a problem, a big problem. You’ve been fired. As if that wasn’t enough, your car breaks down on your way home. You spend hours waiting for a tow truck then a few more hours at the mechanic only to learn you need a new engine. It’s been a tumultuous day and the chatty Uber driver makes the ride home seem way too long. Finally you arrive home to tell your spouse the bad news only to find him/her in bed with your best friend.

Hopefully you’ve never had a day that bad but some days are pretty close. So what do you do when nothing is going right? How do you handle not just a bad day but a bad week or month? Unfortunately, so many people turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, or other indulgences to escape their problems. We turn to everything except God. Come to think of it, people don’t even need to have an issue. They turn to these things just to make themselves feel good. They find pleasure in a joint instead of Jesus. They prefer scotch over scripture. 

They’ve bought into the lie that people should do whatever makes them feel happy. Oh what’s wrong with a little something to drink? Nothing until that drink gives you a buzz. God commands us to be sober minded (1 Peter 5:8). The moment you start to feel the affects of alcohol or weed you’re crossing over from sober mindedness to sin. Whatever stimulus you use that takes you out of your normal state of mind pulls you away from the Holy Spirit. “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

(‭‭1 Cor 6:19-20‬)

That temple, your body, should not only be kept sober minded but clean. When we give into sex outside of marriage you tarnish God’s temple. Sexual immorality is the only sin God says is a sin against your own body (1 Cor 6:18).  Contrary to what the world tells you, we don’t own our bodies. The steep price God paid for you was his son’s death. We don’t get to do whatever we want and still go to heaven. 

Think about it. 


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