Sexual Desire

  1. Whether your sexual desire is heterosexual or homosexual, God only ordained sex within the marriage of a man and a woman (Ref 1). All sex outside of marriage breaks God’s Laws (Ref 2).
  2. The desires we have come from our free will. God doesn’t force us to love or follow him (Ref 3). It’s our choice. We sin when we choose not to follow Him. 
  3. We see sexual desire as something we can’t overcome but God promised he will never give us more than we can bear (Ref 4). What we think is impossible is possible with God. 
  4. God doesn’t ask us to be perfect. He knows we will sin which is the entire point of Jesus dying for us. He only asks that we rely on Him for the strength to do our best. When we repent of our sin we’re forgiven (Ref 5). 
  5. Having sex outside of marriage is wrong but forgivable. We can’t be forgiven when sex sin becomes a lifestyle- sleeping around, living together, and sleeping with the same sex. Why? Because that lifestyle shows you haven’t repented. 
  6. People don’t stop sining overnight but by studying His word and prayer we get closer to God and eventually break from a sinful lifestyle. 
  7. You can’t put anyone before God. The only relationship that will matter is the one you have with God as you stand before Him to be judged. 

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Bible Verse References: 

  1. Gen 2:24
  2. Matt 19:9, 1Cor 6:18,              Rom 1:26-27
  3. Josh 24:15 
  4. 1Cor 10:13
  5. Acts 3:19


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