Numbers Never Lie

Today is the most incredible day of your life! Pick any special day you’ve had and it doesn’t compare to today. Wedding day? Nope.  Graduation? Not even close. It wouldn’t matter if you won the lottery; it can’t compete with today. What amazing thing happened today that blows everything else you’ve done away? You woke up. Congrats...You opened your eyes and took your place among the living. 

Obviously you’ve experienced waking up before but not on Sept 16, 2018. Over 150 thousand people who saw yesterday didn’t get to see today. That’s an astonishing number. The world’s largest stadium can’t seat that many and I’ve checked. So what are your plans for this incredibly awesome special day? Hopefully they include the one responsible for every breath you take.

We know God should be first in our lives so let’s do a little number crunching to see where you have him ranked:

1) It’s week number 37 which means we’ve had 37 opportunities to go church this year. How many times have you been? 
37 times = 5 points. 
29 to 36 times = 3 points 
Less than 28 times = 1 point

2) How many times did you pray last week (not counting prayer before eating)? 
14 or more = 5 points
7 to 13 = 3 points
Less than 7 = 1 point

3) If we eat 3 meals a day we have 21 opportunities to give thanks. How many times do you pray before meals? 
21 or more = 5 points
10 to 20 = 3 points
Less than 10 = 1 point

4) We love paydays but how much love did we show the Lord in giving back a part of our paycheck?
10% or more = 5 points
5% to 9% = 3 points 
Less than 5% = 1 point

5) We should study the Bible daily but less than 20% of churchgoers do. How many days a week do you read the Bible? 
7 days = 5 points
4 or more = 3 points 
Less than 4 = 1 point 

Add up your points and see where you stand:

25 points- You’re Awesome 
20 to 24 points- Keep up the good work
13 to 23 points- Needs improvement 
12 or fewer- take a more active approach  

Now don’t get bent out of shape at the results. This isn’t based on some Harvard theological study. Only God can judge your faith. I’m trying to get us to be more aware that our actions should match our faith. 

Think about it. 


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