Calling Evil Good

CU: Calling Evil Good 

"Excuse me mam, I was hoping you could help me," I said as I approached the salesperson. Imagine my surprise when the flawless make-up wearing, long hair flowing, impeccably dressing sales associate also had a mustache and goat-tee. "How can I help you?" the baritone voice replied. The adam's apple gave final confirmation that the madam was a sir which he politely let me know as he directed me towards the counter. 

Living in LA I shouldn't have been surprised but my surprise turned to dismay as I encountered several men strolling through the mall looking like women. Some even carried purses and were endowed with... umm, how shall I put this? Let's just say all the curves of a lady. The most disturbing part is that I wasn't in LA. I was in a small southern town smack in the heart of the Bible Belt. Really? How did we get to this point so fast? Homosexuality took decades to become mainstream but transgender acceptance has taken less time than it takes for my wife to do her hair. 

A smart man once said gradualism is the slippery slope to normalization. Unfortunately, society has slipped away from God to where ungodly lifestyles are now normal. They not only embrace this rebellious way of living but have the audacity to attack those who call it out. “What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil...” (Isaiah 5:20 NLT). I firmly believe that everyone should be treated equally and with respect but that also applies to those who stand with God. As Christians we must speak out or God may say we gave in.

Think about it. 


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