Forgiveness Challenge

I’ve come up with a little challenge that is going to change your life. All you need is a pen and pad... oh, and a little courage😊. Ready? Here we go. Write down the name of the person who gets on your nerves the most. Now I know you get along with everyone but I’m sure if you really concentrate you’ll come up with someone. Got a name? Good. Now write down what he or she did to you. 

Did they steal your boyfriend or girlfriend? Write it down. Maybe he/she always ruin your holidays or forgot your birthday. No matter how big or small write it down. The next part is a little harder because now I want you to think of a person that you have wronged and write down what you did. This is for your eyes only so don’t write down the person whose toe you stepped on last week. Think of someone you really slighted. It may be a little painful but it’ll be worth it in the end. 

I’m taking the challenge too and to prove it here’s part of my list.
                    Mike’s List
A Person On My Nerves
People I’ve wronged 
1. They started drama with someone in my  family. 
1. I lied to get out of trouble  
2. Accused me of being selfish
2. I got really angry and said some hurtful stuff. 
3. Went off on me in public 
3. I belittled them trying to make me look good in front of someone. 

Once you got your two lists together take a look at the one where you did someone wrong. The guilt or shame you feel, let it go. God already has. In fact, God gives you a clean slate each day. Did you lie to or on someone? It’s forgiven. Did you cheat or your spouse? Perhaps you cheated on yourself by having sex and you’re not married. It’s forgiven. You can add anything and everything you’ve done to your list with the joy of knowing all of it has been erased by Jesus (1John 1:9). 

Now it’s time to share the happiness of knowing you’re forgiven. Reach out to the person on your “on my nerves” list. Let them know how you feel and that you forgive them. Keep in mind that this is not about payback or you putting someone in their place. Acknowledge any part you had in the situation. Sometimes we aren’t the person that started the conflict but our reactions made it worse.  

The best part about this challenge is that it helps you just as much as the person you’re forgiving. Oh,I almost forgot, the only way to get your list erased by God is by erasing someone else’s (Matt 6:15) so what are you waiting on? 

Think about it🤔


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