History Lesson

Remember those Charlie Brown cartoons where the adults always made that weird “whon, whon, whon” sound when talking? Well that’s how my history teachers sounded to me. I didn’t see history as relevant to my daily life. Learning about the War of 1812 was not going to help me get a job. As soon as the bell rang history class became just that– history. Sadly, too many of us view religion the same way I did history class.

We know it’s important but it doesn’t seem relevant in the daily hustle of our lives. Jesus walked on water and healed the sick but what does that have to do with me getting the kids to school and myself to work? Honestly, God was like this abstract being that I couldn’t see, touch or hold a conversation with so I really couldn’t appreciate Him. So what changed for me? What made me see God’s relevance? Ironically, it took a history lesson.

People often take the Bible as too unbelievable to believe but the Bible literally is a history book. The people really existed; the events all actually happened. Artifacts from King David and other biblical characters have been found as well as lost cities described in the Bible. There’s enough ancient writings about Jesus that even atheist scholars now concede he existed. Archeologists have even discovered a site believed to be Noah’s ark. 

Did you know that Jesus’ enemies never denied the miracles he performed actually happened? They wanted desperately to discredit Jesus so the obvious thing to do would be to discredit his miracles but they couldn’t! The best they could do was accuse him of sorcery. Once the reality sets in that everything in the Bible is real, as real as that phone you’re holding, you’ll see God in a new light. The God that orchestrated the events in the Bible is the conductor in the symphony of your life.

Think about it.
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