
If you've been fortunate enough to live a long life, you've undoubtedly been through a lot of highs and lows in your life. With all that you've learned, do you ever wish you could just start over. Imagine if you could go back to high school with all of the life lessons you know now. Those girls that completely occupied your time wouldn't get so much if it. The bad boys that stayed in detention wouldn't have gotten your attention. You may have chosen a different profession out of high school or a different major in college. Your life would be so much better if you could've avoided the mistakes you've made...or would it?

You see regardless of how many times you could reset your life– think of the movie Groundhog Day- you'll only end up making new mistakes. I know you're thinking "how's this supposed to be inspirational" but it will be, I promise. We keep making mistakes and often repeating them because we try to live our lives without allowing God to direct us. Everyone wants to be in control of his/her own life but that's one of the Devil's biggest lies. The truth is you're either a slave to sin or righteousness (Rom 6:15-23). You're worldly or spiritual.

God has given you a guide (the Bible) that directs you in every aspect of life: from dealing with finances to family, from dealing with bad situations to bad influences. God will allow you to go through rough times to get you to rely on him and not yourself (Matt 11:28), to make you a better person (Romans 12:2) so that you'll be able to handle the blessings God will give you if you follow him (Matt 6:33). If you're ready to start over, start letting God be the guiding force in your life. Life's journey is a lot better when you have the only guide that truly knows where he's going.

Think about it.



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