Spiritual Lenses

A few weeks ago I was nervously sitting in the optometrist chair as the nurse asked me to read the chart. The row of letters might as well have been written in Chinese because I couldn’t read any of them. She went to a larger row of letters but it still looked foreign to me. Finally, the nurse pulled that little pin-hole wheel over my eye and ta-da...The letters were in English again! I could see them all so clearly. Did you know you can get the same kind of clarity when you look at life through your spiritual lenses?

Spiritual lenses allow us to view the world as God sees it– a temporary home. We live in the physical world and everything we do is dominated by what we can see and feel but the spiritual realm, the part we can’t see, is much bigger. It’s like an ant colony in the middle of a park. Their entire world is the park but in reality it’s so much more beyond what they can see or experience. At any moment their colony can be destroyed but the ants thinks it’s here to stay. You see, we’re those ants. Take a look around you. Everything you see will be as short lived as that ant colony. 

Your car, your house, your  possessions, even the place where you work won’t be here a 100 years from now. We certainly won’t be here. Sounds depressing? That’s because you’re looking through your physical lenses. What I just said isn’t completely accurate. You’ll be here 100 years from now and the next million because our spirit never dies. Death is just us removing our temporary shells (1Cor 15:53,54). Now all the other stuff including this big rock we live on will eventually be gone. Ironically, we spend much more time focusing on the short lived physical world than we do on the spiritual. 

Our lives are occupied by our jobs, family/friends, hobbies and entertainment. We concern ourselves with getting ahead or who’s getting ahead of us. We live according to worldly standards and not God’s. Worldly people have one basic principle: It’s your life so do what makes you happy. When you view things spiritually you realize your body doesn’t belong to you (1Cor 6:19,20) so you can’t just sleep with who you want nor live anyway lifestyle you want. Put on your spiritual lenses and you’ll see that all things work together for your good (Rom8:28) so you have peace in the middle of your storm. You’ll see that God has plans for us that are far greater than anyone can imagine (1Cor 2:9). You’ll see just how cloudy your current lenses really are. 

Think about it.


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