The Real News About Fake Doctrine

There’s been a lot of talk about fake news but the real problem is fake doctrine. Far too many organizations are running around teaching people the wrong things. Whether it’s intentional or not, the result is the same; their followers are being led astray. Most people don’t take the time to study the Bible. I mean really study it and pushers of fake doctrine rely on our laziness. They expect us to accept what they say without challenging it 

How many people know how the Bible is organized, who wrote which books, and how did we get the translations we use today? Do you know which versions of the Bible are best to read? I say versions because there are dozens of them. Whatever the slant, spin or bias false teachers have written a translation for it. Several fake religions even claim to have another testament of the Bible! 

Hello Mormons, I’m talking about you. They actually believe the Arch Angel Michael came to their founder in a vision and gave him a new testament. It’s clearly fake doctrine because the Bible tells us that there isn’t another gospel... even if claimed to be from an angel(Gal 1:6-9). The entire religion stands on an easily proven falsehood yet millions of people have fallen for it. They’re not the only ones pedaling fake doctrine. Jehovah Witnesses believe Jesus isn’t part of the Holy Trinity (Father,Son, Holy Spirit). They don’t believe he was God on earth as the Bible teaches (Matt 1:23). Not surprisingly, they claim to have the only correct translation of the Bible.

Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, preachers of prosperity gospel and so many more are simply not telling the truth. Their followers are diligently seeking God but the leaders are pulling them away from God and not towards Him. I hope I’m ruffling a few feathers because people have to wake up. If you aren’t willing and able to debate what you believe, it’s time to reconsider what you’re believing in.

Think about it.

Do you know the difference between a translation and a transliteration of the Bible? To learn this and more contact me:


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