It Takes Two (Part 3)

Do you know what happens when you’re not committed in a relationship? You cheat. Being a cheater is something no one likes to admit, especially when the other person is kind, caring, and fully committed to you. The love of your life is loyal to a fault because they know you like to stray away from time to time but they keep hanging in there with you. If the shoe was on the other foot, you would have dumped them a long time ago. Yet here they are going through counseling with you again trying to make it work. 

Who would be so patient in dealing with all of our mess? Who would put up with the lying, cheating, and all of our other baggage? God of course. God loves you so much that he allowed  his only son to feel the agonizing pain of nails penetrating his flesh and the piercing sting of splintered wood scraping his battered and beaten back. And for what? All of that pain was for your joy. Jesus’ death is the only thing that could give you the gift of enteral life (Acts 4:12). 

“So what’s at the core of your commitment issues? Why can’t you commit to someone who is totally devoted to you?” The counselor asks. We know the answer but we don’t want to admit it to ourselves let alone to a relationship counselor. The answer is the same this time as it was the last. Our fleshly desires constantly pull us away from God (Rom 8:5-9). It’s time to face some facts. We like to cut out on God. One day we’re in church the next we’re in a bar. One minute we’re praying and the next minute we’re cursing (James 3:8-9).

If you haven’t noticed, most times sin feels good. Our spirit is always fighting against our flesh (Gal 5:17) and our lifestyles shows which side is winning. The only way to fix your commitment issues is to let God move to the front of your life. It’s time to put your side-piece to the side. “Are willing to let go of your materialism, sexual desires, drinking, or whatever else you put before God?” The counselor asks. Well, are you?

To be continued...


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