It Takes Two (part 2)

You know how it is when you’re on the dating scene. There are times when you get played and times when you’re the player. At some point we decide to settle down and give real love a chance. That’s when you finally meet the one. That special someone who makes you feel like the sun revolves around you and every time you think of them you can’t help but smile. With your new love you enter the next chapter in your life where you live happily ever after.

So how did the relationship go from bliss to bust? How did we end up sitting on a counselor’s couch trying to get the relationship back on track? We all know in our relationship with God that we’re the problem. God is sweet perfection. God is love. Fortunately for us, the counselor has the three keys to relationship success: honesty & trust, commitment, and communication.

“When did you lose trust in your partner,” The counselor asks. To answer the question requires the first key, honesty. We have to look deep within and think back to when we first heard the gospel. Some people hear the gospel but don’t understand it and the devil snatches it away from them (Matt13:19). Some people hear the gospel and happily accept it. Sadly, they don’t grow in God’s word so they end up giving up on God and go back to their old ways (Matt 3:20,21).

Then there are people who receive the gospel “but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth...” (Matt 13:22‬). If we’re honest with ourselves we’ll know which category we fall into. The counselor reminds us the reason we’re here is because we don’t fit the last category, people who receive, truly understand, and continuously grow in God’s word. “Ahem,” the sound of the counselor clearing his throat breaks the silence. “Are you ready to answer? When did you stop trusting God?”

To be continued...


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