The Fig Tree

Congratulations on making it to a new week. If you doubt how big of an accomplishment that is, just check the obituaries full of people who were with us last week. We are truly blessed but do we deserve the time God has given? How long should we have to do our jobs as Christian before he decides we’re not productive?

In Luke 13:7-9, Jesus gives us the parable of the fig tree that would not bear fruit. The owner was going to cut it down but the vineyard worker pleaded to give it more time and he would nurture it. If the tree still didn't produce fruit, then cut it down. The parable is a warning that God has given us ample time to do the work we're supposed to do as Christians (bear fruit). If we continue not to bear fruit, God may cut our days short. When your time is over and God asks for your Christian resume' what will be on it? 

Are you active in the church—Do you usher, help with collection or teach Bible class? If you don't teach, do you at least attend Bible study? How can you tell others about the gospel if you can't answer basic questions? Quick— tell me when did the church begin? How about the difference between water baptism and holy spirit baptism? I'm not trying to pick on anyone but helping others to hear the gospel is the primary job for all Christians (Matt 28:19). 
We must be more productive and become the Christians God expects. If not, well you know how the parable ends.

Think about it.


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