Clueless Without Context

Sorry to say but I’m leaving my wife. It’s not that I don’t love her but I’m also in love with someone else. If I don’t leave, I will hate myself for not doing what I know will make me happy.  
Now before you start thinking what a jerk I am, it would help to know that I’m leaving my wife to go out of town to visit my mother.   That little tidbit of information makes a big  difference on how you view my statement about leaving my wife. It’s called context. If you don’t know the situation or the background, it’s very easy to take things the wrong way. People make that mistake all the time but it’s especially dangerous when we take Bible verses out of context. 

False teachings may appear to be right because they’re based on misapplied Bible verses. People teach a verse without the context so you have to study it for yourself. You’ve heard of the old saying if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. Well if you don’t stand for the truth, you’ll fall for a lie and we all know who is the author of liars (John 8:44).

 Think about it. 


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