Stop The Madness

I could not believe what I just heard. Could this really be happening? I had to rewind the news report to make sure I hadn’t dozed off to sleep and dreamt it. To my dismay, it was all too real. This is that red line moment; that line in the sand moment where we have got stop the madness!

Our society has fallen so far away from God that schools across the country are teaching elementary school kids that sexual identity is up to the person. Back up and read the last sentence again. I want you to fully grasp what is happening. Our kids from high school to elementary school are being taught that being LGBT is not only natural but it’s a sliding scale in which you can choose your sexual identity and to embrace the lifestyle.  

I am absolutely livid that our kids are being fed this satanic lie... And yes, I said satanic. If something goes against God’s word it’s satanic. Contrary to popular belief, life really is black and white. If you value the world’s ideals, then you have chosen to make yourself an enemy of God (James 4:4,5). We have got to stop worrying about offending people because our inaction is offending God. 

You may think that you don’t need to get involved. After all, your kids are grown– but what about your grandkids, your nieces and nephews? Unless you are a hermit, this fight deeply involves you. I urge everyone to write their school boards to ensure this LGBT nonsense will not be taught. You can really make a difference as evident in North Carolina where a parent group has successfully forced an end to this kind of sex-ed curriculum. Now is the time to make your voices heard and stop the madness.

Think about it.

The National Sex-Ed Sit Out is April 23rd. 


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