
It’s time to face facts. It’s time that we hear the truth. Some of you may be offended, but if you really think about it what I’m about to say, you’ll appreciate the wake up call. The truth is we don’t want God in our daily lives. I’m dead serious. People want to go through life based on what feels right rather than learning how God commands us to live. It’s a simple fact: our flesh fights against our spirit (Gal 5:17) and most people would rather stay out of the fight. 

You see, we’re so caught up in doing what pleases us we hardly concern ourselves with that little thing called self-control. It’s why people openly embrace homosexuality, sleeping around, drug use and alcohol abuse. All of these things may please the body but not God. Speaking of which, we even want our religion our way. When want to be entertained when we worship so we turned church into a concert (please show me where praise dancers are found in the New Testament). We want to be motivated and shown how to prosper so we created prosperity gospel. Heaven forbid if the preacher actually admonishes us against sinful living for “the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,”‭‭(2 Tim 4:3‬). Unfortunately, my brothers and sisters that time is now here.

The truth is that we love our traditions more than the truth. It’s why Jesus warned “in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men”( Matt‭15:9‬). But who has time to study what the Bible teaches about worship when it’s so much easier to do what mom and grandma have always done? If that means communion once a month, even though the Bible teaches every week (Acts 20:7), that’s what we stick to. If that means women preaching, even though the Bible teaches against it (1Tim 2:12), that’s what we stick to. 

The truth makes us uncomfortable. It forces us to see the faults in how we live and worship. It’s why people don’t really study the Bible. But if we don’t stop doing what pleases us and learn the truth, we will never please God. 

Think about it.


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