Moving Mountains

We go to God for help and if you're like me, you want God to fix the problem now. When my car payment shows up before my paycheck, I just want God to fix it. When people start hating, I want God to fix them. When I'm sick I want God to fix me.
However, our time and God's time are often not the same but why? The answer can be found in the three H's. God wants you to be holyhumble, and hopeful

We're to live holy because God is holy (1Peter1:15,16). That doesn't mean you will be perfect but it does mean you should strive to live as Christ-like as you can. How does a crisis inspire us to live more Christ-like? Sooner or later you'll have troubles that will force you to rely on God. It builds our love for God and our desire to live according to his will.

Humility is not often our strong suit. We pride ourselves on our possessions, where we live, where we work, and the list goes on and on. Our lack of humility leads us to think we can solve our own problems. How many times have you made a situation worse after doing things your way? When troubles arise going to God should be our first thought and not an afterthought for "...with humility comes wisdom (Prov 11:2, NIV).

The last of the three H's is hope. Before you can have faith you have to have hope. "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for...” (Heb 11:1 NIV). It sounds odd but we should be happy when God doesn't solve our problems right away. God tells us to "...rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,” (Rom 5:2-4, ESV). That's why God will sometimes  choose not to move your mountain and makes you climb over it.

Think about it. 


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