
Pick the person you most admire. Is it a celebrity, athlete, singer, or is it someone you know on a personal level? Next think of a superhero that you would love to have his/her powers. Now roll your role model and your top superhero into one and he/she can’t compare to Jesus on his worst day. I always thought one of the problems with Christians is that we don’t brag on Christ enough. He’s the alpha & omega... he’s what I like to call that dude. 
We’ve got to understand who we’re following. His very name, Emmanuel, means God with us (Matt 1:23). And make no mistake about it, Emmanuel was not afraid to use his wondrous powers. A blind man was able to see (John:9 1-7) and an adulterer was saved from stoning (John:8 1-11) thanks to Emmanuel’s ability to heal the body, pearce hearts, and restore the soul. Yes, as in the case of the adulterous woman, Emmanuel forgave sins! 

Let that sink in for a second. That dude, Emmanuel, actually erased every evil egregious act for whomever he chose. A criminal on the cross next to Jesus was seconds away from hell until Jesus promised he would be with him in paradise (Luke:23 32-43). Wow! No one but Emmanuel could do that. Speaking of the cross, Emmanuel let it be known to his enemies that “No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again...”(‭‭John‬ ‭10:18‬ ‭NLT‬‬). 

Please don’t gloss over “take it up again.” Emmanuel also raised the dead, which by the way, he promised to do for you too (1Thes 4:13-17). I purposefully used Emmanuel often because it really needs to sink in who Jesus was during his time on earth. So as a Christian don’t be afraid to stick out your chest and brag on who you belong to for Jesus aka Emmanuel promised he would always be ‘with us.’ 

Think about it. 


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