The Hypocrisy of Hate

I often like to ease my way into the discussion but what we’re seeing nowadays demands bluntness. Simply put, you will not get to heaven if you hate someone. In case I wasn’t being blunt enough, you’re going to hell if you hold hate for others. Now I know we often cringe when some gives the “going to hell” speech but sometimes we need to hear it. 
Don’t take my word for it but I strongly suggest you take God’s:
“If anyone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen” ‭‭(1John‬ ‭4:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬). An interesting note about this scripture is that it disqualifies you from going to heaven on two  counts. The first is that God calls haters for what they are also– liars... and we all know liars will not see heaven (Prov 6:16-17). Secondly and most egregious is what they are lying about– their love for God. If you love God, you follow his commandments (1John 5:3) and he certainly calls for us to love one another (Matt 22:36-40). 

Our history is littered with people who cloak themselves in Christianity but have hate and contempt for entire races of people. These fake Christians had the audacity to create a ‘slave Bible’ which they used as propaganda to keep slaves in check. Later on the hypocrisy of hate was on full display as KKK members and sympathizers sat in churches professing their love for God while burning down black churches. 

Fast forward to today and they’ll fight to death to keep their confederate statues and flags. What they call heritage is nothing more than symbols of an era engulfed in hatred. The news is filled with stories of minorities being harassed, discriminated, and even killed all because of hate. So continue to protest, march, and make your voice against racism be heard (I know I will). Just remember that hate is a two edge sword and we don’t want God to call us a liar. 

Think about it. 


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