Spiritual Checkup

“Say ahhh,” the doctor politely commands. “Ahhh,” I repeat back as best I can with a tongue depressor holding my mouth open. As I’m sitting there having a bright light shined in my eyes I couldn’t help but wonder what’s the point of a checkup? She must have seen the “do I have to do this” look on my face because she laughed as she said checkups help her to check out what’s going on with her patients.

On my way home I kept thinking of what she said and then it hit me– a spiritual checkup. If I making sure my body is healthy, then I should be doing the same for my spirit. The doctor has her checklist and we also need a checklist except ours will focus on having a healthy spirit.

Spiritual Checkup:
1) Have you gone to church every week over the last 4 Sunday’s?

2) While in church are you an active worshiper (do you sing, etc)?

3) How often have you read the Bible over the past week?

4) Are you holding a grudge against someone?

5) Since the start of the year how many people have you talked to about being a Christian?

Answer Key:

1) God tells us not to forsake coming together (Heb 10:25). Not only do we worship God together but we support and build each other up (1Thes 5:11). A Christian should look forward to going to church. There are times when we can’t go but makes sure it’s a reason not an excuse. A reason would be you’re truly sick. An excuse would be you’re too sick to go to church but somehow you’d make it to work.

2) It’s not enough to just come to church. God wants us to worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). You’re not giving honor to God with your mouth closed while others sing. How can you get a better understanding of God’s word if you’re not focused on the sermon? 

3) This is a no brainer. If you don’t study the Bible you won’t grow spiritually. How can anyone claim to know God if they don’t know his word? 

4) I get it; it goes against our basic instincts to forgive someone when it’s all you can do not to curse them out. Regardless, and I do mean regardless, of what someone has done you have to let it go. Why? Because God will judge you by how you judge others (Matt 7:1,2) and God tells us you can’t hate someone and make it to heaven (1John 4:20). 

5) God tells us to spread the word (Mark 16:15). Don’t be afraid to speak out against sinful ways and to defend the faith. Doing so with patience and love as our goal is to save souls not alienate people. 

This isn’t an exhaustive checklist but hopefully it’ll get you to reflect on what you’re doing everyday to grow spiritually. “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires,” (Rom 8:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬). 

Think about it. 


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