First Things First

There are so many people who struggle to find their purpose in life. They’re battling against themselves as they’re trying to find themselves. The reason the answer is so elusive is because they’re looking for the wrong thing first.  

If you want to understand your purpose in life you have to develop a relationship with God first. It goes beyond getting saved as that’s just the initial step. As a matter of fact, what I’m about to tell you will make more sense as your relationship with God grows. Even for a more mature Christian, your understanding of what I’m about to say is a good barometer of your relationship with God. The key to finding yourself (your life’s purpose) is to embrace this concept:

The purpose for your existence is to glorify and honor God (Isaiah 43:7). That’s it– point blank, end of the story. That’s the sole reason why you were born. It’s the reason for all of creation (Psalms 19:1) and the only reason why God put you on this beautiful planet. Anything and I mean anything else you do is inconsequential.     

Once you grasp God’s purpose for putting you here, what you do with your life will be viewed in the proper perspective. Life is about how you live not about what you do for a living. You glorify and honor God by loving, helping and forgiving others. By being kind and supportive and using your platform to help people learn about God. By being a defender of the faith and a good steward of your blessings. 

If you strive to live every day for God, you’ll be accomplishing your life’s purpose. You may not be where you want to be at this stage in your life. We all know life can be frustrating at times, especially when it seems everyone else has it together– but your life’s journey is a lot less stressful when you keep in mind your true purpose. Life isn’t about  achieving your goals and aspirations. It’s about achieving God’s goals and aspirations for you. 

Think about it.     


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