His Eyes Are On The Sparrow

“I sing because I’m happy. I sing because I’m free. His eyes are on the sparrow, He’s the reason why I sing.” Those lyrics are from one of my favorite songs. Lucky for you, only my wife has to put up with me singing it. I sing it almost every morning in the shower because it’s my reminder... my happiness reminder. I know it sounds like something from Sesame Street, but we all need a happiness reminder.

This world is so crazy so stressful that it doesn’t take long before a good feeling you have is gone. We’ve all been there: You’re at work and somebody with an attitude gives you an attitude or you come home from a good day at work only to find your home isn’t as happy as you left it. Don’t get me started about money problems. As my friend always says, show me a black man without money problems and I’ll show you a dead black man... sorry, he has a dark sense of humor. My point being that if it’s not personal issues, it’s financial. We all have challenges and some seem insurmountable.

Which brings me back to my happiness reminder. That lil’ song that I love to sing is more than a song. For me it’s a reminder that God pays attention to even the most insignificant creatures so I know he’s got my back. There are times when the people who would never let you down will. I’d do anything for my wife but I’m no good to her when I’m lying in a dark room with a migraine. Who can she turn to when she can’t turn to me? Who can you turn to when you have to face a problem alone? It’s the same answer for you as it is for my wife. You rely on the healer, the provider, the merciful, the patient, the loving God.

There’s nothing that can separate you from God’s love (Rom8:31-39). God treasure you so much that even the hairs on your head are numbered.(Matt 10:30) Not even one sparrow falls without his knowledge (Matt 10:29). So you know with God you’ll never fall. Now I didn’t say you won’t stumble. God will allow us to face trials in order to shape us (Rom5:3-5). So when hard times come think about the sparrows. If God feeds and provides for a sparrow, he’s certainly looking after you. That’s the reason why I’m happy. That’s the reason why I sing.

Think about it.


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