The First of The Month

The First of The Month

Wow how time flies! The weeks seem to zoom by and before you know it another month has come and gone. For many of us the first Sunday of June will be the first time we have taken the Lord’s Supper since the first of May. We will take the bread which symbolizes Jesus’ body that was beaten, pierced, and nailed to a cross for us. Then we will drink from the cup symbolizing the blood that Jesus shed on our behalf. 

And what does Jesus ask in return for the undeserved gift of eternal life? That we remember his death, his sacrifice (1 Cor 11:24). So on this first Sunday of the month communion will be part of the worship service for faithful Christians everywhere. But what about the other Sundays? Should we taken communion then too? Like all other questions, let’s go to the Bible for answers. In First Corinthians (11:17-34) notice that when Paul admonishing the church for not taking communion properly he tells us how often to take it: “that when you come together as a church...” Now does the church come together every Sunday or only the first Sunday of the month? 

Acts 20:7 tells us that “upon” or “on” (depending on your Bible version) the first day of the week the disciples came together for communion. The same language used to show how often the church takes communion is the same used for the giving of our offerings (1 Cor 16:2). Churches everywhere got the memo about taking up collections every Sunday but somehow there’s confusion on how often to take communion. 

Don’t let tradition be the reason for your worship being incomplete. Excluding parts of worship is just as bad as not worshipping at all! Do you know that worship based on tradition and not scripture is completely meaningless (Matt 15:8,9)? Your worship is too important to listen to me, your preacher or anyone else. Read and study it for yourself because you will be by yourself when you stand before God. 

Think about it. 


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