Where's Your Focus?

God will provide for all odf our needs (Phillipians 4:19). Hopefully you realize that by now but it's the things we desire that often gets us in trouble. You know it's wrong to have idols but do you worship money? What if I offered you a million dollars to miss church this Sunday, would you take it? That was probably too easy of a choice. For one million dollars I bet a lot of people would miss church for a year. 

Maybe your idol isn't money but whatever you put before God is your idol. It could be your family, a boyfriend/girlfriend or even sports. You may not realize it but we often put the people we love before God. Why do you think Jesus warned "Your enemies will be right in your own household"(Matthew 10:36 NLT)? It's hard not to curse when your spouse always curses; it's hard not to drink when your spouse urges you to "live a little." How many times have you missed or went to church with the wrong mindset because of problems at home? You may have laughed when I said sports can be an idol but it's amazing how many people chose watching football over going to church. 

It's difficult not to get caught up in worldly things. It seems far easier to worry about what you want right now than it is to be concerned about what happens after you die but that's how you have to start thinking. The key to living for God and not yourself is to understand that "...this world is not our permanent home..."(Hebrews 13:14 NLT). Our lives are so short but we act like tomorrow will always come. Has your self-confidence blinded you to the fact that "your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone"(James 4:14 NLT)?

The things that are of concern in your daily life will only matter while you're alive. Wake up and realize that God has far more in store for us than the things of this world. "Don't slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires..." (1 Peter 1:14 NLT). Every parent plans a great future for their children. Don't you know that God has a great plan for the future of his children? 

Think about it. 


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