When Sex Isn't Sexy

Why is having sex wrong? If two consenting adults want to enjoy its pleasures, then why not? The problem with this way of thinking is that God forbids sex outside of marriage. Sadly, most people don't see that as a hindrance. They do what they want and will worry about all that "Bible stuff" later. Before you run wild and free consider this: following God's laws not only get you into heaven– they help you live a better life now.  

Sex is designed to bond people together. Imagine if you were a virgin and your spouse was the first and only person you had sex with. The closeness you would feel would be amazing! You and your spouse would learn and grow sexually together.  You wouldn't look at another person the way you look at your spouse. The strongest bond you can have--you've only shared with your wife or husband.

The problem for most people is that they lose their virginity to puppy love or in someone's backseat.  Whether you realize it or not, every time you sleep with someone you create a  bond with them. That bond makes it harder for you to break up with someone who isn't right for you. It also clouds your judgement so it takes longer to even know if you have found the right person.  How many times have you had trouble breaking up with a deadbeat or a cheater? Sex the way God intended strengthens marriage. Sex with multiple partners weakens that bond. No matter how good your marriage is, it would be stronger if both of you had been virgins. You can't get back that unique bond of being a person's first and only.

Other earthly applications of God's command regarding sex is that you don't have to worry about getting a disease which can be life threatening. You don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies. Think about all of the dreams ruined, baby momma/daddy problems, and financial hardships people endure because they had a baby outside of marriage.  I didn't even mention all of the money people spend on porn, strip clubs, and prostitutes. Sex is a powerful thing and it controls a lot of people. You say it doesn't; try telling your boy/girlfriend you are no longer having sex and see how that conversation goes.

We often forget that God created everything and He knows how everything is meant to work. Your body wasn't made for your lustfull desires. You know that God's temple is Holy. You should also know that you are that temple (1 Corinth3:17).

Think about it. 


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