The Modern Day Prophet

One of my beautiful daughters—yes, I'm bragging— recently asked me if prophets still exist? Her friend attends a church where the preacher claims he's a prophet and God talks to him. Christianity has been inundated with people calling themselves prophets so I want to make sure my answer is very clear: no, there are no longer any prophets. Now I know some of you may also have ministers who call themselves a prophet (as many tv evangelist do), but hang in there with me as I explain. 

A prophet is essentially a spokesperson from God. This basic definition is how so many ministers get away with calling themselves prophets. The problem for them is that a prophet receives a message from God either orally or through visions or dreams (Numbers 12:6-8). Prophets were needed to communicate God's revelations because the New Testament (NT) had not yet been written. 

There is no longer a need for prophets because the NT contains the last of God's revelations to us. It was written by the apostles who were given "all the truth" by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). I often state this simple yet critical fact because people keep overlooking it. The Bible is all that you need for all of your needs. God's words are not just symbols on a page; they're alive. They will guide you in every aspect of your life (2Tim 3:16,17). 

You should really consider the motives of anyone claiming to be a prophet. Is that person looking for more prestige or control? Worse yet, people tend to easily accept what a"prophet" says without considering if it matches what the Bible really teaches. We have to follow God's truth, not someone's version of it. 

Think about it.
2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭3-4‬. Be honest with yourself and ask if this verse is describing you. 


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