Claiming To Be Wise...

We all know that it's our duty as Christians to spread the gospel but have you ever tried talking to an atheist? It can be very challenging but it's important to confront the religion of atheism. You may not realize it but atheist have a tremendous influence in many aspects of our lives including science, politics, and entertainment. So how do we convince a person who doesn't believe in God that he does exist? By using one of the gifts God gave us, common sense. 

How do you think humans know the difference between right and wrong? If there isn't a God, then there's no such thing as right and wrong. It would  be the same for us as it is for all of the other animals--survival of the fittest. Atheist fail to realize that there has to be a higher being who sets the standard or each person can have their own standard.  Atheist know it's wrong to lie or steal because they have a conscience like everyone else. The spirit of God's laws are written on our hearts (Romans 2:14,15). That's where your conscience comes from. God tells us that on judgement day our conscience will accuse or excuse us (Romans 2: 15). 

Another bit of common sense that tells you there is a God is the complexity of life on every level. Atheist think all of this complexity just happened (evolution) rather than accepting the most likely reason: God created it. Evolution is like seeing a log cabin in the woods and believing nature built it by chance-- doesn't make sense.

Atheist use every scientific discovery to disprove God rather than looking at them as the glory of God's creation. An archeologist, who's atheist, stated that the flood in the Bible was made up because the Bible took the story from similar stories. He never considered that if civilizations from around the world have a similar flood story, then the story is more likely based on a real flood. 

I've found that the more educated  the atheist, the harder it's for them to accept there's a God; they rather lean on the knowledge of our modern world. They don't know that "the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God..." (1Corinthians 3:19 NKJV).

Pray they will think about it.


Note: The title of this posting comes from Romans 1:21-22. The verses show how man fell away from knowing God and became ignorant— Claiming to be wise they became fools. For more info contact me at:


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