Lost In The Shuffle

The piercing screech of the alarm clock forces you out of your warm cozy bed. After a hot shower and an even hotter cup of coffee you're finally ready to tackle your day. There are errands to run, household chores, kids need chauffeuring to practice .. oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that pesky eight hours of work thing. With all you have on your plate where does God fit in?

I'm not talking about Sunday mornings when you're in full Christian mode. Where does God fit into your daily life? To be more specific, do you honor God by living in such a way that people know you're a Christian? I challenge you to answer the next few questions  to help you see if you put Christ first:

1) Do you hold grudges?
2) When you mistreat someone do you apologize and try to make things right?
3) Do you put other people's needs 
before yours?
4) Do you curse or use vulgar language?
5) Do you live with your boy/girlfriend?
6) Are you sexually active but not married?
7) Are you a social drinker and do you drink to get a buzz?
8) Do you talk to people about God and how to be saved?
9) Do you invite people to church?
10) Do you pray (talk to God) throughout the day?

If most of the questions you're unable to answer in a positive way, you need to reassess where Christ fits in your life. I'm not saying you're not a Christian, but if you don't talk like a Christian, live like a Christian... well, you know how the rest of the saying goes. Always remember that “you are the light of the world...let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (‭Matt 5‬:‭14,16‬ ESV).

Think about it.


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