From Unity to Division (Part 2)

Last week's blog included a timeline so you could see how over the centuries we've divided ourselves as Christians. I say Christian loosely because now we're known as Baptist, Methodist, Catholics, etc., despite the fact that no denomination can be found in the Bible. Some may feel I'm attacking their church but my goal is for us to be as God intended: united in our beliefs and worship. I refer to the Bible as the blueprint. If your church follows the blueprint the apostles gave us, then you're worshipping the way God commands. If not, then you're worshipping based on man-made precepts. 

Did you know that playing musical instruments as part of worship is not scriptural? You will not find one verse in the New Testament (NT) instructing us to use music. Only in the Old Testament (OT) was music used in worship. The NT has one verse pertaining to music, Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬. It says to sing and make melody in your heart. 'Melody in your heart' is a figure of speech which means to be joyous in your singing. If your church uses pianos, guitars, or any other instrument, it's not worshipping according to the NT. Hundreds of years went by in the early church before Catholics first started using instruments! That's real history folks; research it. If the apostles, being led by the Holy Spirit, didn't include instruments in worship, then why are you? 

Another example of man-made worship is how often we take communion. The NT clearly states to take communion every week (Acts 20:7). Communion represents the very reason we're Christians— Jesus dying for our sins. The early church took communion every week. Again, it's a historical fact; research it for yourself. If the apostles taught the early church to take communion every Sunday, then why don't you? 

Everything you do in worship has to be based on the NT. There's no scripture for dance teams, speaking something into existence, a Pope, etc —so once again, why do we have all of these non scriptural things? I'm not attacking anyone's sincerity in expressing their love for God in their worship but we all must grasp this basic fact: only God decides what is acceptable in worship to God. 

Think about it.
For more info on what the NT teaches regarding worship:

or Tel: Michael 404.446.7043


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