Church Timeline: From Unity to Division (part 1)

The beauty of a timeline is that it gives us a chance to see how things have changed over a long period of time. Change is often good except when it comes to worshipping God. As Christians, we're instructed to have the same beliefs as there is only "one Lord, one faith, one baptism" (‭Eph ‭4‬:‭5‬ ESV)

If you don't examine the past, you won't realize how much the church has changed over the centuries. Many churches have turned to their own ways of worship despite the Bible's clear warning: "in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men" (‭Matt ‭15‬:‭9‬ ESV).

Do you remember the story of Cain and Able? Cain's worship was not pleasing to God and God rejected it. If God rejected Cain's worship, what makes you think He won't reject yours?

Think about it.
Church Timeline: From Division to Unity
(Note: Every denomination represents a split from God's plan of one church, one set of beliefs).

*  30 AD- Church was established by the apostles on the day of Pentecost.

* 33-36 AD- Paul, who originally persecuted the church, was converted by Jesus and ordained to preach to the Gentiles...

* Note: followers were first called Christians at Antioch- date unknown. 

*  41-98 AD The New Testament was written. The apostles wrote to the churches they established in order to teach the gospel and guide them on how to live and worship. Ex: books of Galatians, Corinthians, etc. 
* 156 AD-  The First Apology was written to defend Christianity from heavy persecution. Note: Important because a non-biblical source confirmed some of the things early Christians did in worship. 

*  254-257 AD - Stephen I (Bishop of Rome) declared himself as Pope. In prior times the local bishops (elders) had authority. Eventually local autonomy was relinquished to the bishops in larger cities (Rome, Jerusalem, Constantinople, etc). 

*  300 - 600 AD- Instrumental music was added to church services by Catholics.  

* 1054 East-West Schism:
Break of Christianity into the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. 

* 1311- Sprinkling is first introduced  as a replacement for immersion during baptism. 

* 1517- First major break from the Catholic church. Martin Luther pinned his grievances on the church door and starts the Protestant Reformation. 

* 1534- King Henry VIII of England wanted a divorce but the Pope would not grant it so King Henry started the Church of England (Anglican Church). 

* 1560- Presbyterian Church est.

* 1602- Christianity comes to the new world as the British (at Plymouth Rock) and other countries established colonies in North America. 

* 1609 Baptist Church est.

* 1784 Methodist Church est.

1793- AME Church est.

*1820's  Mormon Church est.
* Early 1800's -Women were allowed to preach by the Quakers.

*1845- Baptist & Methodist split over slavery.   

*1861- Presbyterians split over slavery. 

*1872- Jehovah Witness est.

*1952- Scientology est.

*  2011 - Openly Gay and lesbian ministers are allowed to preach by the Presbyterian Church USA. 


  1. Thanks for posting this timeline. It is evident that Jesus started his own church. However, man has conformed it over time to please himself. We must realize that Jesus was not a man and therefore, man is not authorized to add or subtract from the word of God. Although in 2011, gays are able to preach in church, I do not recall anywhere in the Bible where a gay lifestyle is acceptable. What do you think?


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