
We've all had times when someone surprises us by revealing something about themselves. I almost fell out of my chair when my cousin told me that he doesn't like chicken. I know it's a stereotype but what Black person doesn't eat chicken? It seems everyone has a surprise or two but there's one thing no one should ever be surprised to learn about you— that you're a Christian. 

As a Christian, you're suppose to "set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth" (Col 3:2 ESV). That means your life should be dedicated to doing God's will and not your own. You may think you're following Christ but does your lifestyle reflect it? Are you sitting in church Sunday mornings but have strippers sitting on your lap Saturday nights? Perhaps your thing is gossiping or do you have a bad temper? Some of us curse better than a sailor and it doesn't take much before we "set it off."

Of course all of us commit sins but if the people around you can't tell you're a Christian, then something is terribly wrong. You're living too much in the world and your actions show it. Christ instructs us to "put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness..."(Col 3:5 ESV).

The way you treat and respond to others should tell people you're a Christian. When someone mistreats you, show them kindness rather than anger. When others show anxiety during stressful situations, show the calmness within you. The calmness that comes from knowing that as a Christian, God makes all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). That's why "...whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.." (Col 3:17 ESV). Which brings us back to our conversation about surprises. If you told a co-worker you're a Christian, would they fall out of their chair?

Think about it. 


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