Careful What You Say

Do you remember when cursing wasn't allowed on tv? Now actors curse on prime-time family shows. The use of vulgar language is prevalent in movies, tv, radio, and music. I grew up on curse free rap music--thanks LL Cool J. Now I struggle to find a song without cursing. Even the clean versions aren't really clean. 

The use of profanity has gotten so bad people use the word "holy" when cursing. Some people actually say "Jesus Christ" when they're upset or use "God" with that word that rhymes with ham. I know a lot of people look at cursing as a bad habit. You may even curse sometimes without realizing it--the classic "it just slipped out." The only way to stop is to understand what you are really doing when you curse.

When you curse at someone you "...curse people who are made in the likeness of God" (James 3:9 ESV). Let me say that again. You are cursing at the likeness of God! You also need to realize that using holy when cursing is profane because holy describes God's name. 

"Let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is holy" (Psalm 99:3 KJV).

If holy describes God, it can't also be an adjective for sinful expression. You are treating God with contempt. So when you curse you either show God contempt or you insult God by belittling his likeness. That doesn't sound like the best situation to be in when "... on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak" (Matthew 12:36 ESV).

Think about it.


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