Who Are You Listening To?

I don’t know who came up with the saying ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’ but whomever said it was lying. Words are powerful. They can build us up and they can certainly tear us down. People will call you everything but your name; they will criticize and belittle you. So why do we listen to the negative junk people say? Why do we allow people to discourage and dissuade us? It’s because we keep forgetting who we are.

Repeat after me, “I am God’s child.” Say it again, “I am God’s child.” Keep saying it over and over until it sticks in your mind. You’re an heir to a kingdom that will never end (Rom 8:17). You’re destined to have a rank higher than the angels (Heb 1:13,14)! 
God has given you his Spirit to live inside you. So why listen to people who are lost? They’re filled with the words of their father, the Devil. It sounds harsh but I hope you know there are only two sides. If God isn’t their father, there’s only one other option. 

Listening to people who are spiritually lost will make you emotionally drained. We all know what it’s like to eagerly share our hopes and ideas with someone but end up feeling deflated after talking to them, especially the  people closest to us. The devil will use anyone to fight his battles and he loves to use the people we love. Please don’t take what I’m saying the wrong way. Just because we sometimes say negative and hurtful things to each other doesn’t mean we are spiritually lost. After all, we’re human and we make mistakes but a child of God builds up far more than he/she tears down.

Listening to non-Christians is like asking the new guy in town for directions... He’s as lost as you. We should listen to people who love God for Christians are called to edify, enlighten and encourage one another.

Think about it. 


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