Let’s Talk About Sex (Part 1)

Before we have a convo about sex we need to acknowledge that it’s an uncomfortable topic for most Christians. We’ll discuss the goodness of God, the power of prayer and how we ought to live righteously, but we shy away from a major pitfall in our walk with God.   

Just look around you. Sexual themes have permeated every aspect of society. I was listening to a morning radio talk show and they wanted callers to reveal how many celebrities they’ve slept with. It was the topic of the day! Even my favorite game show, Family Feud, asks sexually charged questions. The sex scenes in movies and tv shows are basically soft porn which brings me to our president but I won’t go there... today. 

What I really want to focus on is the pressure to accept homosexuality as being normal.  LGBTQ rights have been conflated with what is right. Everyone should be treated equally and with respect but living an LGBTQ lifestyle is a sin(Rom 1:26-28). It’s not up to me, you or anyone else to decide what’s immoral. That’s God’s call and he’s called us to stay away from sexual immorality (1Cor6:18). But proponents of the LGBTQ lifestyle support the false ideal that sexual identity is a sliding scale. 

They want us to believe that we’re in a unisex world where you can be male or female, have sex with a male or female, dress as male or female and marry a male or female. It’s all based on how you feel. The misguided notion that you can do whatever you desire is flat out wrong. “You are not your own, for you were bought with a price” (1Cor6:19). Jesus’ sacrifice is the price God paid to free you from sin. In exchange for eternal life, we only have to pay the small price of doing God’s will. The Bible plainly states his will is that sex is only allowed in marriage... so we need to get out of our feelings.

Think about it.


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