What’s Your Problem?

WAKE UP... WAKE UP!” The heart stopping screams finally jolt you out of bed as the blare from the fire alarm shatters a tranquil night's sleep. In that moment would you sit in your bed fretting over how the fire started or would you take action and get your family out of the house? The obvious answer is to act and get to safety. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t look at the problems they face the same way. They choose to dwell on their problems rather than focus on how to solve them. 

When it comes to dealing with problems there are two categories of people: you're either problem oriented or solution oriented. Problem oriented people tend to look at their problems as insurmountable and it overwhelms them. They’re quick to complain and tend to think negatively. You know that person that comes up with a million reasons why something won't work (hopefully that’s not you). 

Solution oriented people focus on how to solve their problems rather than focusing on their problems. Challenges motivate them. They’re positive thinkers because they know that God is always with them (Isaiah 41:10). It allows them to think under pressure and pay attention to the signs God gives us. Sometimes God will close a door to make us turn to other options, other opportunities. 

God doesn't want us worrying about how to get out of this or how to pay for that. Worrying is the worst thing you can do. It doesn't accomplish anything except make you age faster... speaking of which, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” (Matt 6:27, NLT). God is asking a rhetorical question to make us realize this profound fact: if he controls how long is your life (and he does), then there is no problem he can't solve in your life.

Think about it. 


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