
The holiday season is in full swing. We just finished stuffing ourselves with fried turkey, candied yams, mac-n-cheese, rice and gravy... mmm mmm I'm gaining weight just thinking about it. Now where was I? Oh yeah, the holiday season. The irony about the upcoming holiday is that it’s supposed to be a celebration of Jesus’s birth but with all the frenzy of Christmas shopping many of us will lose sight of what we should truly be thankful for.

I'm not talking about being thankful for all of the stuff we’re about to buy to go along with all of the other stuff we already have. Nor am I referring to being thankful for our jobs, homes, cars, or closet full of clothes. I'm not even referring to being thankful for our loved ones: your spouse who's there for you through the ups and downs; your parents who've raised and nurtured you; your children that you'd do anything for, your siblings and friends whom you can have fun with and just be yourself.

Of course we should be thankful for everything God has blessed us to have and the people in our lives. But above all else, we should be thankful that God loves us so much he sacrificed his perfect son for imperfect people. All the pleasures of this world and all of the things that occupy our time will one day come to an end. I’m so thankful God has prepared a home for us and a life of peace and happiness that will never end.

Think about it.
To learn more about why Jesus had to die and what his resurrection means for you, contact me at:


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