Love God Love People

If you love God, then you should love everyone. It's easy to say but as all of us know, it can be difficult to do. How are you suppose to love a boss who's constantly on your case? Or the person you thought was a friend until you found out the hard way they weren't? It's easy to love someone when they're good to you. Unfortunately, there's no reward in that, for even non-Christians love those that love them (Luke 6:32).  How do you treat those that mistreat you? It's especially hard when you have haters in your own family. Does God really expect you to forgive an abusive parent or backstabbing sibling that really hurt you? God not only wants you to forgive them, he wants you to love them! 

How are you suppose to do that? Take off your halo for a few minutes and the answer becomes obvious— you should forgive because God forgives you. We're not deserving of God's grace and mercy, yet God allowed his son to die in our place. Think back to all the things you've done– the lies, cheating, and mistreating. Imagine if people knew all of the things you don't want them to know. God knows all and forgives all. That's why God expects you to love Him and everyone else. It's the basis for all of His commandments (Matt 22:37-40). It's hard to forgive when you can't see the wrong that you do everyday. It's why Jesus asks 'Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?' (Matt 7:3, ESV). 

'If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?' (1 John 4:20). You won't be so quick to get angry or retaliate against others when you realize this basic truth— to Love God is to love people.

Think about it. 


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