Spiritual Gifts

A question was posed to me recently about whether spiritual gifts still exist. There are a lot of self-proclaimed evangelist who claim to work miracles or have the gift of healing, speaking in tongues, etc. but are they for real or is it a fraud?

For time's sake we'll refer mostly to the spiritual gift of miracles. It's important to remember that the purpose of spiritual gifts was to prove that the message and messenger were from God (Mark 16:20). Spiritual gifts are found throughout the Bible and the Bible also tells us when they will end:
"For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears" (‭1 Cor ‭13‬:‭9-10‬ NIV).

"When completeness comes" is the key phrase that let's us know when the age of miracles will cease but what does the phrase mean? "Completeness" refers to the New Testament. Through the use of spiritual gifts God’s revelations were made known over time (i.e. in part). Once all of God's revelations were complete they were written down in the New Testament so spiritual gifts were no longer needed.

Ephesians 4: 8-16 corresponds with 1 Corinthians 13. It shows spiritual gifts
were given until the "unity of the faith" and knowledge of Jesus was obtained. Both books use the same metaphor of being children (partial revelations) then coming into manhood (complete revelation). If miracles still happen today, then we must accept any revelation from the "miracle worker" as being from God. Since the apostles were given all the truth (John 16:13), there are no more revelations. So the next time a person claims to heal the sick ask them to raise someone from the dead. It will take a miracle for them to explain their way out of that.

Think about it.
Note: Although the age of miracles has ended, the providence of God is how our prayers are answered today.
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