It Doesn't Belong To You

The world has taught us to live our life our way but that's the biggest lie the Devil has told since the Garden of Eden. The truth is that your body does not belong to you. Jesus owns the deed to your life and he paid a steep price for it— his own life (1Cor 6:19,20).

I know it can be hard to accept. After all, we've gotten use to viewing things from the 'me perspective.' We spend so much of our time doing what we want, getting what we want, and very little time understanding what God wants. But once you accept that Jesus owns you, you'll stop seeing things from a worldly perspective. The world says it's ok to use drugs and alcohol. But your body isn't yours. The world says sleep with anybody and everybody. But your body isn't yours. You don't even have the right to take your own life. Why? Say it with me, your—body— isn't—yours.

Your belongings don't even belong to you. God gave us the talent we use to earn a living. That's why giving back to God should be first on your list. It's also why you shouldn't gamble (regardless of how big the lotto gets). You're taking chances with things that were meant for a higher purpose. God didn't bless you just so you can live in comfort; you're suppose to help others (1John 3:17). 

Are you starting to see the pattern here? Once you accept that you belong to God, you'll start doing what God wants in all aspects of your life. Now you can continue to fall for the Devil's lie, but you know how well that turned out for Adam and Eve.

Think about it. 


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