The Good Life

It's taken me a while but I'm finally living the good life: luxury cars, luxury condo in Cali, and of course a mansion back home on the east coast. Oh, I almost forgot about the taylor made suits, fancy restaurants and the expensive vacations to exotic destinations. Now most of you may not be living that large but don't feel bad because neither am I. That might seem like the good life and if you can achieve it, then good for you, but I've learned what living the good life really means.

I can sum it up in one word, contentment. Like Paul, the apostle, I've learned to be content when I have a little or a lot (Phil 4:11-13). I'm just as happy when I can eat at Fogo De Chao or from the dollar menu. Why? Because when I eat at a 4-star restaurant I've been blessed to do so and when I eat from the dollar menu I've also been blessed to do so.

Your happiness in life shouldn't be determined by your lifestyle. Happiness comes from knowing Jesus has prepared a place for us (John 14:2,3) and for the short time we're here on earth God will provide– provided you follow him (Matt 6:33). It doesn't mean you won't have struggles but it does mean those struggles won't last.

Keep that in mind and you'll be content whatever you're financial circumstance– even if you never get to take that exotic vacation.

Think about it.


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