Test Everything

There has always been con artist using the Bible to make money but the problem has grown to the point that non-believers believe Christianity is a fraud. The confusion they create makes it harder to spread the gospel which should be a Christian's primary job. Fake Christians are preaching their lies about prosperity, healing powers, prayer cloths, holy oils, and the list goes on and on. The primary reason the spread of false teaching has grown so rapidly is found in the Bible's warning: 

"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions," (2 Timothy 4:3 ESV).

How can we stop Christianity from being hijacked? We have to start holding people accountable for false teachings. The Bible tells us to test everything (Thessalonians 5:21) but that's where many of us fail as Christians. Whatever a person proclaims should be able to withstand a good challenge. 

False teachings are being preached in churches every Sunday and it can cause you to be led astray (1Timothy 4:1,2). Sadly, many preachers aren't even aware that they're teaching false doctrine. The most dangerous example of false teachings is when ministers tell people that baptism is not necessary for salvation. Really? When the Bible clearly states "whoever believes and is baptized will be saved..." (Mark 16:16,ESV). You are not yet saved if you follow false teachings and think a "sinners prayer" is all you need. Baptism is for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38). 

It's not the water that saves you. Jesus does the saving, but baptism is what Jesus commands us to do in order to receive his salvation. Are you thinking you need to test what I just told you? Good, challenge my views if you disagree. Learn to test what you hear and you'll be able to stop false teachings with your most powerful ally– the truth.

Think about it.


Please contact me for more info about false teachings or if you have any questions about baptism.  


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