Keep It Real

Have you heard of the saying "keep it real?" I know it's old school, but hey, so am I. It means to be straight up honest in what you say or do no matter how another person feels about it. The saying is often associated with toughness or having a street mentality, but I want to keep it real with you so you can gauge your spiritual mentality.

Keep it real– do you know why you spend so little time reading the Bible? It's because you're too worldly. You rather do almost anything else because God's words force you to examine yourself. "All Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness," (‭2 Tim 3‬:‭16‬ NIV). You want to do what you want to do– so correction is the last thing you want.

You already know drinking, smoking weed, etc. is wrong but it really sticks with you when you see it over and over again in black and white. Who wants to be reminded that God commands you to be sober minded (1Peter 5:8)? Now that's a real buzz kill– pun intended.

Keep it real– why don't you do more to tell people about God's word? Either you're too afraid, don't know enough or you're too comfortable in your daily routine. It's scary to talk to people about God when you're not used to doing it. You don't know how your friends will react or if you'll end up in an argument. It also forces you to do a better job of practicing what you preach. As far as a lack of knowledge, it's not hard to see why it's hard to share God's word if you don't know what God teaches. In regards to being too comfortable, it speaks to the feeling that you live right and that's enough, but it's not enough. One of the greatest charges a Christian has is to spread the gospel (Matt 28:19).

I'm speaking to myself just as much as I'm speaking to you. Looking in God's mirror exposes all of us, and that's as real as it gets.

Think about it


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