In Spirit & Truth

We expect our children to listen and do what we tell them. After all, we are the ones that love and provide for them. There's nothing worse than a "hard headed" child, so how well do you listen to your father--God? When it comes to worship do you follow God or man? Society has created an endless buffet of choices. You can go to church on Saturday or Sunday; get baptized how you want; take communion when you want and the list goes on and on. 

Telling God how you're going to worship him makes as much sense as your kids telling you what to do with your paycheck. We're children of God and the Father has told us how to worship him. "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24 ESV).

So what exactly does that mean? Worship can be broken down into two parts: 1) in spirit 2) in truth. Worshipping God in spirit means you can't allow anything to break your focus in worshipping God. That means you have to stop daydreaming in church or thinking about that fried chicken you plan on eating afterwards. You have to actively participate in service... sorry lip-syncers, but that means really singing. It also means to focus when praying and of course, stop texting. 

As children of God we also have to worship in truth which means to follow God's commandments. Did you know there are 5 acts of worship? The extras we put into church service aren't what God wants. Catholics are famous for having so many traditions that aren't scriptural. I'm not picking on Catholics because every church seems to have added things to worship... from praise teams to musical bands. Follow this rule and you'll know exactly how to worship in truth: If an act of worship isn't in the New Testament, don't do it.

Simple enough-- right? Well, it should be. God made the gospel simple so why does man try to make worshipping God so complicated? 

Think about it. 


For more info about how to worship God according to his commandments email me at:


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