My New New Year's Resolution

It's that time of year again when everyone thinks about what they'll do differently next year. If you're like me, you've given up on most of your past resolutions. I gave up on dieting once I realized my extra pounds wouldn't give up on me... every time I lost the weight it kept finding its way back. So this year I'm searching for a better resolution and I invite you to do this one with me— make a habit of going to church and studying the Bible. 

A good friend of mine once told me that he doesn't go to church because he feels that Christians are the church so he worships alone. Surprisingly, many Christians share his views and do not attend church regularly for one reason or another. This thinking is contrary to the Bible which teaches that we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves (Hebrews 10:25). We are to "encourage one another and build one another up" (1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV). Not surprisingly, men typically make up only 39% of church congregations. Fellas, you're not a good leader of your household if you can't lead your family to God's house.

It's not enough to listen to the preacher or occasionally read a few  Bible verses. The Bible fits together like a puzzle. All the verses come together to give us a complete picture. That's why building your understanding of God's will on a few verses is almost as egregious as not reading at all... ever heard of the old saying "a little knowledge is dangerous?" One of the blessing we get from studying the Bible is that it teaches us God's will and corrects us in our thinking (2Tim 3:16). 

You should study the Bible as often as you take a shower (it's daily for those that didn't know). God speaks to us through the Bible so if you're not reading, you're not listening. Imagine trying to get to know someone on a date but you're hardly listening to them. You know that relationship won't last. If you're not reading, how long do you think your relationship with God will last?

Think about it.


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